You are currently viewing 7 Leading Content Syndication Networks and Platforms in 2021

7 Leading Content Syndication Networks and Platforms in 2021

Content Syndication is an incredibly valuable tool and plays a powerful role in building a strong content marketing strategy. Content Marketing generates about 3 times as many leads as traditional marketing methods, as reported by Demand Metric. Syndicating content forms an important aspect of it. Depending upon the nature of every business, the content syndication network approach differs. It helps to get your content in front of a wider audience base and lets you drive more traffic to your site. It also positions your brand as a thought leader in the industry.

For a more detailed understanding, read more: Content Syndication: What is it and how does it work?

How to get the most out of Content Syndication?

Understand each platform:

According to the industries and domains that your business caters to, choose the right platforms that will enhance your content marketing efforts. Syndication on high-ranking, popular, and relevant networks will increase your audience multifold. Understand the style and type of content required and tailor it as per every platform.

Repurposing existing content:

Your current content will require repackaging in a manner that creates the most impact on every platform. For example, converting a case study/article into an infographic or video to make it more interesting will help you grab more eyeballs and drive higher traffic. Approximately 78% of CMOs believe custom content is the future of marketing, as per Demand Metric.

Use multiple channels and syndicate regularly:

Content syndication should be a regular feature of your marketing plan and not a one-time activity. Begin with a specific goal in mind and have a path to achieving it. Create a measurable and realistic goal to help you and chalk out a multi-platform approach to reach there. As per your business’s niche, approach the right content syndication partners to increase your audience base, generate higher leads, and get higher conversions.

Find out more here: Reaching a wider audience through Content Syndication.

Which are some of the top content syndication networks?

Leading Content Syndication Platform

We’ve listed seven of the top content syndication networks in 2021 along with a brief overview regarding their usage. Read more to understand and choose the right syndication platforms for your business!

  • Publish articles on Medium

Medium helps you syndicate various types of content and is a free platform. If you already have blogs on your company website, and you want to garner more attention to your content then this is a useful network. Medium provides a space for businesses to publish their articles for free making it an important tool for building an audience for your brand.

  • Start a conversation on Reddit

With Reddit, users share links to content from across the Internet. It also includes a lot of online communities/ forums related to specific topics known as subreddits. It is not a B2B Content Syndication platform but provides a space to share your links and start a discussion around the topic. This helps in portraying yourself as an expert in your industry and emerging as a thought leader.

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  • Distribute content with Taboola

Taboola helps you distribute your content to a network of online publishers. It is a paid syndication platform and places your content strategically based on certain algorithms to get more readership. With video content gaining more popularity on Taboola, the platform will gain even more prominence due to the rise of video marketing in the coming time.

  • Track audience engagement with Outbrain

It is a popular content marketing network that gives your brand opportunities to appear on leading media platforms like CNN, ESPN, Time, etc. With a monthly global reach of around 557 million, Outbrain also helps you track reader engagement to understand what resonates with your audience.

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  • Niche content with

This B2B content syndication platform offers a personalized daily digest of content for users to read about niche topics. It is a syndication and aggregation network that allows contributors to ask questions, start discussions and publish content that links to their website. It is a free platform and is focused on online and inbound marketing.

  • Share presentations with SlideShare

With SlideShare, your business can repurpose content in the form of a professional slideshow on the platform. It’s a free network affiliated with LinkedIn and has a lot of traffic. Formal presentations about relevant topics will help your business to show its expertise in a particular industry.

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  • Get more reach with Quora

Quora is a question and answer forum where users can ask all kinds of questions about various topics. You will have to craft content according to this platform and if done effectively it is a tremendously powerful tool to get you more reach. Due to its potential to speak to audiences in a more genuine manner and getting insights on various issues, the network is gaining higher traction and popularity among marketers.

Using the right content syndication platforms for your business will help increase organic reach and build brand awareness. A successful content syndication strategy involves leveraging these networks effectively to build a more successful online presence.

If you are wondering how to effectively utilize these platforms for your B2B syndication needs, turn to Logichron. Our specialists will help you with content syndication services and provide bespoke solutions that help your brand to gain higher visibility. Our expertise lies in several other marketing services like lead generation, demand generation, account-based marketing, etc. Contact us today for all your B2B marketing requirements.

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