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5 Common Myths About Lead Generation Debunked

Generating qualified leads is a critical component that determines the success of your B2B marketing strategy. According to Hubspot, the top priority for marketers is lead generation. The importance of a more targeted approach to acquiring customers cannot be highlighted enough. Lead Generation helps to identify potential customers that make a good fit and have an interest in purchasing your products or services. Although this is not a herculean task, it is challenging. We tend to fall prey to a lot of misconceptions in our quest to find those golden leads. It becomes extremely important to help your sales team with the right tools to ensure marketing success.

Find out more about it here: A beginner’s guide to B2B lead generation marketing.

When it comes to lead generation, we often focus our attention on the end goal and not the implementation process. We tend to follow tried and tested methods often forgetting the specific needs and requirements of our business. In this blog, we will discuss a few common myths that can potentially jeopardize your sales pipeline.

Myth 1: Lead Generation is more about numbers

Businesses tend to have a skewed perception that more is always better. They believe in gathering as many contacts as possible and filtering them along the way. However, this is not the right approach to use. Casting a very broad net may in fact be counterproductive for your sales team. Your business should instead focus on the quality of leads. Aim to solve your target audience’s issues and problems which will position your brand as reliable and trustworthy in their minds. Lead generation is more about engaging with your prospects than about numbers.

Myth 2: Employing a one-size-fits-all approach

Today, the sales process is becoming increasingly personalized and requires every company to develop a unique buyer persona. Understanding your audience well is the first step to generate exceptional business leads. If you understand their needs, desires, and pain points effectively, you will then understand their mindset and derive a strategy accordingly. B2B lead generation takes a combination of methods and successful planning to convert a prospect into a customer and a one-size-fits-all approach should not be used.

Also Read: A Beginners Guide to Lead Generation

Myth 3: Contact new leads immediately

Lead generation contact discovery

Many times, businesses assume that a newly acquired lead is ready to be contacted immediately. But that’s not true, although it is tempting to speak to them right away. However, it may result in overwhelming them with too much information and would render your efforts useless. The first time you acquire a lead through a specific source, it usually is a cold lead. They will take some time to familiarize themselves with your products and services and that’s when lead nurturing comes into the picture.

Myth 4: Social media is not a helpful source

Social media is an effective channel for creating brand awareness and engaging with your audience. It is an integral and impactful aspect of any marketing campaign but it is assumed that it is not a useful source for lead generation. That’s a misconception that needs to be cleared. Approximately 66% of marketers generate leads from social media after spending only six hours per week on these platforms as per Startup Bonsai. As long as you have a good social strategy put together, you will see solid results in the lead generation process as well.

Myth 5: Your website will get you leads automatically

Lead Generation From Website

Your business is not going to get prospects just because of the existence of your website. A website that offers something of value and engages the reader is helpful to get more visitors and improve lead generation. Your website should offer a smooth experience and your audience should easily understand what is available and how to get it. Educate your customers, provide exclusive content about your industry, showcase your products and services, this helps your audience to understand your business as a whole and generate interest. Optimize your website in the right manner to improve search rankings and online visibility. This is helpful in generating B2B sales leads and achieving better results.

When it comes to lead generation, your team should have an in-depth understanding of how best to reach your audience and push them along the sales funnel. A good strategy focuses equally on all aspects like acquiring, nurturing, and converting leads. Your business must continue to evolve and adapt according to the market scenario to ensure a successful lead generation campaign.

Read more about some effective tips here: Four highly effective lead generation strategies for 2021.

Lead Generation in 2021

In 2021, lead generation will take a more personalized approach with more detailed information about your prospects. It will also move towards more customer-centric marketing and focus on their wants and needs over everything else. In addition to this, sales and marketing alignment, automation, and video marketing are a few more trends that will catch up in 2021.

If you want to gain more insights on a successful lead generation strategy, then our experts are here to help. With our bespoke campaigns, Logichron provides the best lead generation services that help you grow your business. Contact us today to know more!

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