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Email Marketing: One of the best ways to reach a global audience

Email Marketing in a fundamental sense is to use email to target a broad audience to promote your company or product. Or to put it in a better way, it is a way to develop and maintain relations with your existing or potential customers. It is one of the most remarkable parts of B2B Marketing and can be an exceptionally viable method for
building associations with your clients.

This form of marketing has been around for a very long time now, and many think of it as an old way to market their services or products. But a little known fact is that it is one of the most effective ways of promotion available to us even today.

What makes it such a great choice amongst others? To understand that, let’s take a look at some of the major advantages of Email Marketing:

It’s personalized:

Using Email marketing you can target one or many specific groups of customers or even individuals. It can be personalized by offering a particular deal on a special occasion to your set audience. If you have specific information about your customers, you can customize your email campaigns to specifically persuade them. With this kind of personalization, you can slowly build and maintain a relationship with your clients which leads to an increase in sales and customer loyalty.

It has a larger reach:

The total number of email accounts around the whole world was 3.9 billion in 2019 which is 50% of the entire world’s population.

Although this might seem surprising, think about it. While signing up to any website you require an email address to create an account. An email address to sign up with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. or to even purchase something online. Anyone who is online today has an active email account.

Because of this necessity of having an active email account, Email Marketing has a global reach and we can connect to potentially anyone from around the world.

Also, it’s relevant:

In this digital era where social media is on the front, many seem to write off emails from their marketing campaign. But considering these statistics, you’re sure to understand how Email Marketing is still one of the most relevant forms of marketing.

  • Almost 91% of all email users tend to check their email once a day
  • 59% of people in surveys say that emails influence their decisions to purchase products
  • It has a high conversion rate of 2.3% on average, which is more than twice when compared to social media which has a conversion rate of 1%

The huge advantage that Email Marketing has is that your prospects are more likely to be converted to a customer.

It Drives Conversions:

The main focus of all marketing campaigns is to drive conversions. The ultimate goal is to convert potential customers into paying customers.

And when it comes to conversions, there isn’t a more powerful channel than email. In fact, the average click-through rate of an email campaign is around 3%. This means you are more likely to get a click to your website via email than you are from any other platforms.

According to a survey conducted by Monetate, 4.24% of potential customers from Email Marketing are converted to paying customers, 2.49% of visitors from search engines and even less from social media.

High ROI

Given the fact that Email Marketing has the capacity to drive conversions, It can be considered one of the best marketing channels to drive a great ROI. It can yield an almost unbelievable return on investment for your business. With these insights, it is obvious that Email Marketing is a very cost-effective channel for marketing your products, but why does it beat different channels with regards to ROI?

It all comes down to delivering personalized and relevant messages to your target customers. Its high customizability such as location, interests, and purchase history is also a helping factor in this aspect.

The more information you have about your clients in a marketing campaign – like incorporating insights gathered from integrated systems such as your CRM, customer service solution, etc – the more refined your targeting will be.

If done correctly, Email marketing can substantially increase your sales. It is a great way to get people to visit and revisit your website or landing page and more traffic usually equates to more income.

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