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5 ways how Account-Based Marketing (ABM) can help your business grow

Account-Based Marketing is being embraced by a vast number of marketers with global growth in demand every year. As a part of an overall marketing strategy, Account-Based Marketing (ABM) perfectly complements
traditional as well as short-term marketing efforts aimed at driving long-term growth.

So what is Account-Based Marketing exactly in B2B?

To put it simply, ABM is a form of marketing useful for highly targeted personalized campaigns to win over a particular set of accounts. A basic campaign is like a blanket campaign, it targets an entire market. ABM strategies are used for treating individual accounts as a market of their own.

Here are 5 ways account-based marketing can help you grow your business-

1. Personalizing your audience

ABM doesn't just provide a large audience for you to generate leads, but instead, it gives you the opportunity to personalize all your content to a target set of audience.

It is dedicated to targeting decision-makers within one particular organization. This ensures that your marketing campaigns are intimate and well-designed to resonate with your target audience.

2. Account-Based Marketing helps save time on irrelevant campaigns

It can be difficult to cater to a wide audience and make each viewer, user feel that their needs are being met. While that is okay, ABM makes sure that your marketing efforts have a positive investment return. This also helps in making sure you don’t just spend time focusing your resources on a single project that has no clear business value.

3. Fortify relationships with your existing clients

If your Account-Based Marketing strategy does not accelerate your business with a client, it certainly strengthens your relationship with them. By building strong networks with people across businesses and delivering relevant content catering to their needs, ABM can increase the chances that your clients will renew their contract with you.

4. ABM shortens your sales cycle

A huge part of all marketing operations is lead generation, and the next most important step is Sales. With ABM, you can generate more qualified leads since the organization we target is more like to opt-in for our service. This enables your sales team to cut back the time spent on grooming leads that have a lower possibility of becoming a customer
and focus their time on the leads with a higher conversion rate.

5. Aligning your sales and marketing operations

For as long as we have known, there’s usually some friction between the sales and the marketing team of every organization. Sales ask for better leads while marketing needs more visibility with customers to improve their strategy. With ABM, both marketing and sales are smoothly aligned. Your marketing team will know exactly who they market to and your sales team gets the leads that they expect.

Using Account-Based Marketing Services provided by Logichron, you can target selective companies and identify all the biggest opportunities within them, after which you can approach them proactively.

Instead of ending with a target company, Account-Based Marketing starts with it.

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