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4 B2B Marketing Trends to Help Your Business Thrive in 2021

Do you want to know what trends will rule the B2B market until 2021? If yes, then here we’re covering it all. Sales have changed drastically over the years. Starting from telemarketing to Account-Based Marketing, the market scenario and the decision-making process have also changed.

Well, we might not be able to predict what may happen in the next decade. But here we’re sharing some ideas about the market trends that are going to rule till 2021. Read on!

Upping the Bar on Customer Service

You are competing in a market where various companies are providing similar services. To set yourself apart, you must provide an excellent customer service experience.

HubSpot Research stated that 93% of customers are likely to make repeated purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service.

Customer service experience is not just limited to the website experience but also to what online reviews sites tell about your company. Having positive testimonies favors decision making and also builds trust among your audience. 

You need to have a prompt response to the challenging comments with a solution. This will increase the customers’ trust in your company and further help you in reaping marketing benefits.


B2B Marketing Trends | Logichron

Additionally, to improve your customer service experience, you can provide your audience with some additional benefits such as:

  • Flexibility to your refund policy

  • Free bonuses for your loyal customers

  • Quick response to customers complaints

  • After-sales service

The impression you make on your existing customers impacts new connections, this is much better than expensive marketing campaigns.

More Creativity and Personalisation

2021 will be a world of digitalization. Digital marketing has resulted in growth for almost every business. With the digital media in power, you should invest in creating personalized and creative content for your prospects to represent your product or services. 

Creativity helps in involving people in the business. It is the only tool that can help your brand differentiate itself in the hyperactive marketplace.

B2B marketers need to understand that innovation and creativity will lead to more sales and that it is a good idea to combine traditional practices with new-age solutions.

When it comes to personalization, a survey conducted by Evergage reveals that 98% of marketers believe that personalization has an impact on advancing customer relationships.

It directly influences the decisions making process by delivering a one-to-one experience. By this, your business can more effectively show that they understand the specific needs of each customer. 

Creativity and personalization will deliver a high-quality and customized experience that your customers expect from your businesses now.

Focus on Social Media Presence

Social media presence is important in 2021 and will continue to be important in the coming years thus should be included in your marketing strategy. It not only represents your website but also provides leads through engagement. 

It favors the decision-making process and creates trust among your audience. Keeping in mind the marketing trends, here are the top four social media platforms that every business must be active on:

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • Facebook 

  • Instagram

These social media platforms increase the engagement rate and your business can take direct feedback from your audience.

Having a social media presence also benefits the b2b marketing strategy in the following ways:

  • It acts as an established distribution channel for content, ideas, and offers.

  • It helps in building a reputation as the thought leader within an industry.

  • Improve SEO by increasing third-party links and mentions.

  • Drive new leads into the funnel when coupled with content offers.

In fact, Logichron is also present in all leading social media platforms which helps our business in brand visibility and awareness.

Enhanced Digitalisation & Automation

With the advancement in technology, there are now many automation tools to increase the workflow of your business.

Here are some automation solutions you should implement in your company:

  • CRM software

This software helps you to organize your sales pipelines as well as monitoring your leads and follow-ups. It will also help you to organize the lead data and use it for calculating the length of each sales cycle. 

  • A cloud-based platform

Having a backup of all important documents and being able to access it anytime from anywhere would be extremely essential in 2021. These platforms will also benefit you in managing and organizing your work within the company. 

  • Artificial intelligence 

This is going to be the next most used tool for all businesses. It enables you to explore the strategies used by the industry leaders. This could majorly benefit the small industries to get more data without straining the budget.

Digitalization and automation would be extremely beneficial in the coming years because of the ever-changing marketing trends. As the competition and workload will be increasing, automation would play an important role to speed up the process.

Keep up with the changes

Whether you like it or not, change is the only constant in the world of marketing. The ever-changing marketing trends are fueled by dynamic software development, rapidly altering audiences and climates well suited to innovation. If you’re puzzled by the ever-shifting trends, let’s get in touch.

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